Thursday, March 31, 2005

University of Minnesota proposes closing colleges

EDUCATION: The school would incorporate General College and Human Ecology into other programs.BY XIAO ZHANGASSOCIATED PRESS
MINNEAPOLIS - Two colleges with a long history at the University of Minnesota would be closed under a proposal released Wednesday to restructure the university's academic programs.
General College and Human Ecology, two colleges that have been an integral part of the university's Twin Cities campus for much of the past century, would be swallowed up by other colleges under recommendations made by a task force formed by the university president.
Much of General College, which has offered underprepared students an opportunity to attend the university for about 75 years, would be absorbed by the College of Education and Human Development, according to the plan. Many programs in Human Ecology, which has existed for more than 100 years, would become part of a new College of Design, university officials said.
Provost Tom Sullivan said the changes aim at promoting academic excellence at the university and making it a world-class university. The school is positioning itself to become one of the top three public research universities in the world.

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