Thursday, April 07, 2005

Yale Law remains number one as criticism of ranking rises

Staff Reporter

Yale Law School will spend 2006 as the number one law school in the country again, while other University graduate and professional schools are ranked among the best in the nation according to the 2006 edition of U.S. News and World Report's Rankings of America's Best Graduate Schools. But more and more graduate schools are publicly urging applicants not to focus on rankings.The Law School has held the number one position for almost two decades. The Yale School of Management placed 15th for business schools around the country, slipping one spot from last year, and the Yale School of Medicine ranked 11th for medical research schools around the country. Harvard Business School ranked first among business schools with Stanford University and University of Pennsylvania tying for second. In the medical school ranking, Harvard ranked first with Johns Hopkins and Washington University coming in second. Harvard's law school ranked second while Stanford's came in third.The report attributed Yale Law School's success to its "freewheeling" and "anarchic" approach to teaching.

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